EIn Tokyo, a disaffected high school student named Light Yagami finds the "Death Note", a mysterious black notebook with rules that can end anyone's life in seconds as long as the writer knows both the target's true name and face. Light uses the notebook to kill high-profile criminals and is visited by Ryuk, a "shinigami" and the Death Note's previous owner. Ryuk, invisible to anyone who has not touched the notebook, reveals that he dropped the notebook into the human world out of boredom and is amused by Light's actions.
Best anime ever made and it's not even close
This anime reminds me of KissXSis
If I had a death note, I would kill everyone that did wrong by me. I would torture all those who made fun of me. Their screams would be music to my ears and their graves will be the perfect dancing spot.
Light should have won in my opinion
L is so sexy