EThe story follows elven mage Frieren, a former member of the party of adventurers who defeated the Demon King and restored harmony to the world after a ten-year quest. Frieren returns to the capital fifty years later; however, humanity has changed, and her former companions have distinctly aged. After one last adventure to see the meteor shower, Himmel dies of old age. During the funeral, Frieren expressed guilt for not attempting to learn more about him. Frieren then pays a visit to her other former comrades. She accepts an offer to teach and care for Fern, an orphaned child adopted by Heiter. She also receives an invitation to travel far north, to the resting place of souls, and see Himmel again to bid the hero a fitting farewell and express her feelings. To fulfill those requests, Frieren embarks on a journey together with Fern while still pursuing her passion for learning magic. Along the way, she picks up Stark, a young warrior boy taught by Eisen, to join her party.
This might be anime of the year. The pacing, animation, voice acting and directing is amazing. I love it.
@Lily-Mae Rice The glazing is crazy 💀
I was confused watching this anime. Maybe I'm just dumb
I read the manga after watching the anime and this is adapted pretty well
Could she beat Goku? I know it sounds like a joke question but I really feel like there is a legitimate argument to be made. Goku is strong, yes but she is immortal and I think that would work in her favor during this matchup.
@Evangeline Ball Bro is yapping 🤡